
how to
prepare for your
first wax
Discontinue use of retinols and chemical exfoliants (enzymes, glycolic acid, other AHAs and BHAs) in the area to be waxed for at least one week prior to the appointment!
GENTLY exfoliate (dry brush, scrubs, etc) the area one day prior to loosen and breakdown dead skin/buildup
Take a warm shower or bath right before heading to the appointment
Wear loose clothing
Avoid caffeine and alcohol 24 hours prior to the appointment
Take a painkiller (ibuprophen, tylenol, etc) an hour before the appointment
For 24 hours after waxing:
No chlorine pools or hot tubs
No steam rooms, saunas, or hot showers – lukewarm shower is okay but pat the area dry
No working out – cardio, weights, nothing that causes excessive sweating!
NO SEX – sweat contains bacteria, and having sex or doing anything that causes lots of sweating means you can end up with little whiteheads all over the waxed area 2-3 days later!
Avoid tight clothing
Avoid applying any deodorants, sprays, or lotions to the area
Avoid exfoliating (resume exfoliation routine 2-3 days after your wax)
Exfoliate as directed by your esthetician (usually 2-3 times per week)
Moisturize the area daily
Try to wear loose-fitting clothes on occasion to help prevent compression ingrowns
No picking or tweezing
Absolutely NO SHAVING!
Between waxes:
Preventing Ingrowns:
Exfoliating & Moisturizing
Maintaining a consistent skincare routine of exfoliating and moisturizing the area being waxed is extremely important to achieving the best results and minimizing ingrown hairs.
Dead skin cells build up on the skin without consistent exfoliation. The skin becomes tough and dry without consistent moisturizing. The hairs that are growing in after getting waxed are thinner and weaker due to the trauma caused to the follicle; they will have a harder time breaking through skin that is dry, tough, and covered by a layer of dead skin cells. When a hair cannot break through the skin, it can get stuck and form an ingrown.
Proper Exfoliation:
Avoid over-exfoliation, 2-3 times a week is usually best. The skin may overproduce new skin cells to compensate for over exfoliation which may cause more build up; the skin may also become more dry as a result of overexfoliation.
Avoid sugar scrubs for the Brazilian area! Sugar can breakdown and feed bacteria potentially causing more ingrowns
When using an exfoliating mitt or towel, be sure to leave it in a dry area to avoid bacterial build up. Replace every 3-4 weeks.
Gently massage the product or tool on the area in circular motions for about 30 seconds
Proper Moisturizing:
Use a product with jojoba oil or grapeseed oil; the two are very similar to the oils our skin naturally produces and will absorb into the skin more easily
Lotions, moisturizers, and other products from the drugstore are good for sealing in moisture but don’t do much to provide more
Everyday after a shower is best, but even if you remember later that day and still haven’t, it’s still good to do so!